Bunny's Flowers

Online Learning

Creating our Children’s future

Our mission is to inspire a passion for environmental education and gardening, but we know not everyone is able to leave their home. That's why we created an online learning platform where you can learn from a diverse group of educators from the comfort of your home.

We Care About You

Where Learning Begins

Building a strong sense of community is the heart of our mission.


Community - Building Approaches: 


Learning is a never-ending journey, and the path to personal and professional development is often a challenging one. However, with the right support and resources, the journey can be a lot easier and more enjoyable. That's where communities come in. Communities can offer a wealth of knowledge, resources, and support that can help you grow and achieve your goals. In this page, we'll explore how communities can enhance your learning experience and provide some practical tips for finding and engaging with them.

Education Schoogalleryl

Our ekit SCHOOL courses

What do you want to learn today?

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Your Complete Guide to Drawing

Learn how to draw a map of your garden otherwise known as landscape design
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It's all about the soil!

Having healthy soil for your planting is one of the most important factors in gardening, contact us to learn more
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Watering and feeding

Without the right amount of water and nutrients for your plants you might not get the results you're looking for
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Gardening is special for everyone

Don't let anything hold you back from getting into gardening, we are here to provide opportunities for all

Starting from seed and soil

There are many ways to go about it, join us in learning how to start your plants from seed and soil
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Online learning requires doing your homework!

Gardening requires spending time doing the dirty work you really need to study and learn first