Bunny's Flowers

Yoga and Environmental Education

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Yoga and the Environment

Yoga is known for its power to improve your physical body but it also has the potential to encourage collective action that benefits the community and environment.


Yoga principles can promote a mindset to start to evaluate how your behavior impacts the environment and the wider community by encouraging you to be more engaged and aware of your natural environment. Your relationship with your environment plays a crucial role in your health and healing. You, your environment and our communities are inextricably interconnected.


When you take care of yourself, you’ll be able to do a better job caring for others and the environment. It’s important not to become overwhelmed by the negative impact we collectively have on our planet. Start with small steps, whether it be recycling more, planting a garden, or speaking to a friend about making more environmentally friendly consumer choices all require you to take care of yourself.


One of the most immediate environments that impact your health and wellbeing is your home. You may be exposing yourself to harmful chemicals via beauty and household cleaning products, and even food products. A great percentage of household products are not produced using socially conscious principles.


Our harmful choices are entrenched in the use of toxic products and our dependence on fossil fuels. Oftentimes we push consumerism to the max and buy things we simply do not need. It’s best not to succumb to the urge to buy things that aren’t essential. Sharing should be encouraged and volunteering at a local garden or conservation effort is a good way to get involved with your local community.


Here are ten ideas to create a more healthy environment that you can action now:

  • Use reusable shopping bags/totes and containers rather than using disposables
  • Use non-toxic household cleaning products
  • Recycle responsibly
  • Repurpose and reuse products instead of buying new ones
  • Choose products with minimal packaging
  • Eat organic foods—check that the products are cultivated using certified organic principles
  • Reduce the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers when gardening
  • Reduce your energy consumption by washing clothes on cold water, air drying laundry and watching your electricity use in the house.
  • Consider using public transport, cycling or walking in place of an energy-consuming vehicle
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What Will You Learn?

  • Students will grow their knowledge base about the health benefits fo yoga by becoming more informed about environmentalism.